24 November 2009

Gold-whiskered Barbet Under the Rain

The heavy rain stopped, but light drizzled continue when this bird suddenly perched on a dead banana leaf about 20 feet from me.
I wish for a better smooth background (bokeh) than that green banana leaf. With the rain and overcast sky, what more you can ask for?.
ISO 400, f5.6, shutter 1/25, EV +1.7, No flash

Gold-whiskered Barbet in the rain
If you look at this picture below, the yellow colour was overexposed - that yellow at the bird's cheek and part of the old banana leaf. The EV + 1 2/3 compensation was too much, but for the bird that perched for a few second, I had no time to view at the camera's histogram to correct the set-up.

Gold-whiskered Barbet in the rain