I found this Bee Swarm at the small forest not far from Raub Magistrate Court, about 30 feet from the road that lead to District Officer house. This is not a permanent nest, usually disappear within 24 hours. Bee Swarm are usually not aggressive because of no hive and food store to defend.
I bet you never dared to find out if there was honey in the combs. Some bees in Kenya hive like this just hang from the tree. the children usually a group will choose the fastest runner to hit the hive with a stick and run like the wind. while the bees chase the perpetrator the rest of the kids take the honey. its a story from the days I built the orphanage in Muchakos Kenya.
Oh my goodness that's a little scary to me!
Jatuh yg tu terjun sungai leee! ( That one fall down jump in river lee.)
That's amazing!
wonderfull photos! Love to visit your blog!
It looks too scary for me to get closer.
I bet you never dared to find out if there was honey in the combs.
Some bees in Kenya hive like this just hang from the tree. the children usually a group will choose the fastest runner to hit the hive with a stick and run like the wind. while the bees chase the perpetrator the rest of the kids take the honey. its a story from the days I built the orphanage in Muchakos Kenya.
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