Magpie Robin and Lizard

03 November 2009

Magpie Robin and Lizard

Have a look for more bird pictures at the Bird Photography Weekly @ Birdfreak.

Magpie Robin and Lizard
Oriental Magpie Robin (Copsychus saularis)
Magpie Robin and LizardMurai


Anonymous said...

Your magpie looks so much like our Magpies out in the western part of the United States.

Lois said...

I have never seen a magpie before! Those are beautiful pictures.

Tony nile life said...

no magpies in Egypt but they are the same as the ones we have in the uk,
nice shots aren't they a good looking bird,

Louise said...

I've never seen a Magpie Robin before. Such a striking figure it is! But poor lizard!

rainfield61 said...

The magpie managed to stay calm while seeing you, if it shouted back, the lizard would drop.