SkyWatch Friday at Bukit Tinggi

29 January 2010

SkyWatch Friday at Bukit Tinggi

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I photographed this from quite a distance, so can't confirm the true ID of this Flycatcher.
It could be a Dark-sided Flycatcher or Brown-streaked Flycatcher.

Asian Brown or Darksided Flycatcher

I have no problem identifying this Black-thighed Falconet (Microhierax fringillarius).
This smallest bird of prey posed on dead tree high-up at Japanese Garden, waiting for it's meal.


another Flycatcher



Sylvia K said...

Beautiful captures as always, Tabib!! Love your birds! Hope you have a lovely weekend!


Choy Wai Mun said...

It is a Dark-sided Flycatcher.

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful birds and photos. The falconet is cool!

Fadzil Zainal said...

Nice capture as always..
Is it a Fall Season at Japanese Garden already? ;)

Anonymous said...

It looks like the flycatcher has its eye on a potential meal. Love your birds Tabib.

... said...

Beautiful photos, I love the birds!

Have a happy weekend :)

Elaine Yim said...

From far, they look the same. But when you capture them on camera, each is beautiful in its own way.

Anonymous said...

We have our impossible to indentify fly catchers too!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Tabib: Neat captures of the birds.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

can you tell me why birds perch at the end of a rod/stick?