No fledgling but empty nest - another failed nesting

23 March 2010

No fledgling but empty nest - another failed nesting

What can I say, another failed nesting at my backyard. :( (sob-sob)
I expected the fledgling to appear on Sunday, but when I woke up on Thursday morning and looked over the window, I noticed this. The right part of the nest destroyed and ripped off with strands of nest fibres dangled down there. No chicks movement or their call, just silent.
It was normal nest with happily and noisy chicks feeding when I observed on Wednesday evening.

What caused this, I don't know. Maybe strong wind or night predator?. OGK.
Nest destroyed Parent looking for their chicks and the destroyed nest.
Parent checking their damaged nestSad parent, looking their lost chicks. Still bringing food...
Oriole Pair waiting in vain for their chicksFor two consecutive morning, the female oriole came to this tree, waiting... and waiting and calling.
She called with harsh voice, like this song recorded by David Farrow.

Mother Oriole crying over her lost chicksOn behalf of the all the birds at my backyard and my family , I express sadness and extend condolences to both Oriole parent on the demise of their two oriole nestling.


Keong said...

Sorry to hear about the failed nest. I am sure they will come back and try again!

Terence Ang said...

the nest sound predatored but still a good observation

fufu said...

wow love last 2 pictures :P i wanna go bird watching with you

Chris said...

I'm sorry to hear that Tabib, but this is nature, isn't it? I guess you will witness one successful nesting soon!

wondersf said...

You reported that feeding started on the 8th and I calculated 12 days. By the 20th the chicks should be ready for fledging. Therefore plus & minus, when you saw the parent again on the 23rd, I think they have left the nest. Remember I warned that the nest would be destroyed to facilitate fledging? Look for the chicks, they could be around. Good Luck

Lois said...

Oh no! This is very sad.

Anonymous said...

i am very sorry to hear this.. sometimes these things happen


rainfield61 said...

How come we have two sad endings?

Joanne Olivieri said...

I don't like to hear that. It's very sad and sounds as if a predator was there. I am so sorry.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the failed nest. We hate to see it happen.

myonlyphoto said...

Sorry to hear about that Tabib. Anna :)

Phil Slade said...

Bad luck Tabib. As the chicks get bigger they get noisier, the parents visit more often and both events will attract predators in.

zzlaloq said...

the baya weaver revenge.. haha..