18 May 2010

Summertime - Oriental Magpie Robin sunbathing

My home town Raub is 3º 47' north of the equator, hot tropical climate, so summer is almost all year round.

This Juvenile Magpie Robin was found spreading its wings and tail feathers at 2.26pm hot 35ºc afternoon sun. It stays there for about 2 minutes, oblivious of my camera.

Why bird sunbathing?. Ornithologist have their own theories:
1. Feather maintenance - helping dislodge feather parasites - eg. Fleas, lice, and ticks.
2. To reduce the amount of metabolic energy to maintain a constant body temperature of around 40ºC.
3. Ultra-violet sunlight is involved in vitamin D conversion.
4. or just a feel-good factor.

Juvenile Magpie Robin sunbathes. The temperature was so hot that it was seen here panting with open bills.

Murai Sunbathing
Location: My backyard, Raub, Pahang.
1. EcoBirds
2. Secret life of common bird. link here