24 June 2010

Atuk, Gagak dan Perkahwinan - Crow, Grandpa and Wedding

Pengantinakad nikah (marriage contract) ceremonyI went to my brother-in-law's wedding at Kg. Sawah Sempadan last Saturday.

While waiting for this event, I had a few minutes to explore the area and got this Crow.

Large-billed Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos) - Location: Kampung Sawah Sempadan, Kuala Selangor.


Atuk (Homo sapiens sapiens) ;) - waiting for Asar prayer outside the mosque.
Atuk at Sawah Sempadan's Mosque


I'm not good in an event or portrait
Wan Nursuhada was willing to pose while I tested my flash setting at the Sawah Sempadan Mosque.

The girl on the right was photographed at the bride's house.