One hour before IFTAR - part 2

13 August 2011

One hour before IFTAR - part 2

Common backyard birds
Common Iora (Aegithina tiphia),  Local name:   Burung Kunyit Kecil
Brown-throated Sunbird (Anthreptes malaccensis), Female, Local name:   Kelicap Mayang Kelapa


a.r.e.p a.h.m.a.d said...

nama burung ni apa ek???
scientific name???

wickedwarhol said...

Cantik no brother Tabib.

mariondejong said...

Beautiful pictures and captures, congratulations!

Best regards, Marion

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful bird and gorgeous photos. Well done!

Redzlan said...

Thanks ALL for comments

a.r.e.p a.h.m.a.d, I just add the name.

a.r.e.p a.h.m.a.d said...

oic......very nice...

Modesto Viegas said...

Good captures. specially the last one!

rainfield61 said...

Burung-burung cantik.

Adry@Daun said...

Saya suka tgk burung kunyit berteduh bawah daun jambu batu tu.. Cute!

Bangchik and Kakdah said...

excellent camouflage, the bird had chosen to rest on.

Phil Slade said...

Amazing colours on that stunning bird and the eye is superb.