Birds and Nature Photography in Malaysia: Burung Perling Mata Merah makan buah Kenidai Jantan; Glossy Starling feeding on Bridelia tomentosa fruits

30 April 2022

Burung Perling Mata Merah makan buah Kenidai Jantan; Glossy Starling feeding on Bridelia tomentosa fruits

This Bridelia tomentosa shrub grows at a slope on the access road to Mahkamah Majistret Raub (Magistrate Court Raub. I think it grows wild from the seeds dropped by birds, as I have not seen this tree as a roadside plant by JKR or Majlis Daerah Raub
Pokok kecil setinggi 18 m, ukuran garispusat 90 sm pada paras dada
Reference: Wannura web site HERE 

Glossy Starling (Aplonis panayensis) feeding on Bridelia tomentosa Blume fruits
2021:12:31 14:48:46

Burung Perling Mata Merah makan buah Kenidai Jantan
Unripe fruits. taken a later date than the bird pics
2022:04:23 09:08 
This ripe picture below taken on 2022:05:09   09:12 
All the pictures below were taken on 2202:05:10  17:10
 Asian Glossy Starling  (Aplonis panayensis strigata)

Juvenile eating ripe Bridelia tomentosa fruits

Javan myna (Acridotheres javanicus)

Juvenile starling with leaf on her beak, nesting material?