Birds and Nature Photography in Malaysia: Sarang Burung Murai - Oriental Magpie Robin Nest

09 July 2022

Sarang Burung Murai - Oriental Magpie Robin Nest

Sarang  murai di pokok kelapa depan rumah jiran saya. lebih kurang 3 meter dari aras tanah.
Murai ni tak hiraukan kawasan terbuka yang jiran selalu letak kereta di bawah pokok . 
The Oriental Magpie Robin is a garden bird that familiar to human presence. I keep a respectful distance from the nest and use a 400mm telephoto lens that maintains enough distance.
I have never climbed that tree looked for a nest, moved, or cut anything from around the nest.

The nest on the Coconut tree at the base of the palm frond

Perched on the coconut spathe with a damselfly 

Ready to feed the chicks with the common garden skink (Lampropholis guichenoti) 

Hingap di seludang nyor  Cengkerik / cricket. Looking around, for any threat or enemy

pintu masuk ke sarang

Ulat Beluncas

Kelkatu , termite swarmer

melompat ke sarang

She waits and looks around for the predators before entering the nest.
>Nesting success Baby
Two cute Oriental Magpie Robins recently fledged from the nest.

Fledglings rest on an electric wire and wait for the parent to bring food.

Calling mother

The picture below after one week

Juvenile male